10 Tips for Maintaining Bleached Curls

Now, since I have bleached my hair twice, I have to handle and care for my hair differently. Here are my 10 tips on how to maintain bleached curls.

  1. MOISTURIZE, I cannot stress this enough. Curly hair is already very dry and bleach will have your hair dying of thirst. Moisturize when it’s wet, moisturize when it’s dry. Whatever you do, don’t quit moisturizing.
  2. Wait 5-10 days after bleaching to shampooing your hair, if you shampoo, because it can dry out your hair and your hair really needs time to rebuild its natural oils.
  3. If you MUST wash your hair, try co-washing. Only use conditioner in the shower. It’ll help cleanse as well as moisturize.
  4. DON’T brush your hair, especially if it’s dry. Finger comb your hair in the shower with conditioner or use a wide tooth comb. Bleach weakens your hair, so you have to very careful, to avoid breakage or shedding.
  5. STAY AWAY FROM THE STRAIGHTENER. I know it’s tempting to see what your new do looks like straight, but if you know what’s good for you, refrain!!! Give your locks a break from the heat it’s already under a lot of stress, hold off on the heat for a while.
  6. PROTEIN TREATMENT. Glory in a jar. This is good to use after bleaching your hair. The protein will help strengthen your hair. This is good to do anytime your hair is feeling damaged, weak or brittle. Make sure you condition well after, because protein, although it strengthens your hair, can dry it out.

    I've been using this for years and it works wonders!

    I’ve been using this for years and it works wonders!

  7. Try a purple shampoo. This is great for blonde hair because it helps restore the vibrancy of your color as well as tone down brassiness. Try to use only once a week because it makes your hair EXTREMELY DRY.

    The absolute best toning shampoo and was under $10.

    The absolute best toning shampoo and was under $10.

  8. Purple moisturizer. I’ve been using this one by Loreal and I love it. It’s super moisturizing and also helps maintain your color longer.

    Beats brassiness and it so moisturizing compared to purple shampoo.

    Beats brassiness and it so moisturizing compared to purple shampoo.

  9. Deep condition your hair once a week or when needed. I use coconut oil, conditioner or both. Just slather your hair with it, cover it with a cap or plastic wrap and let it sit a few hours or overnight. Your hair will be soft and forever grateful.

    This is a curly girl's best friend. It's affordable and as long as its 100% pure the brand shouldn't matter.

    This is a curly girl’s best friend. It’s affordable and as long as its 100% pure the brand shouldn’t matter.

  10. OWN IT! Whether everyone else likes it or not, as long as you love it, rock it. It’s your personal style and as long as you’re confident in it, your locks will be fierce and flawless. Nothing looks better than confidence.IMG_5248

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